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Your search found 4 job offers for the keyword auto cinq inc
service advisor - auto repair
Heures de travail: 32 hours per week.Address customers' complaints or concerns.Answer inquiries and provide information to customers.Arrange for billing for services.Arrange for refunds and credits.Explain the type and cost of services offered.Issue receipts and other forms.Maintain records and stat
autobody repairer
No degree, certificate or diploma.Replace front end components, body components, doors and frame and underbody components.Hammer out dents, buckles and defects using blocks and hammers.Remove damaged fenders, panels and grills and bolt or weld replacement parts into place.Operate soldering equipment
Job ID -193 Auto Denter (Canada)
Follow supervisor and damage report instructions as to which parts to restore or replace and how much time the job should take.Review damage reports and plan work to be performed on the vehicle.Checks the parts needed, according to the estimate, and ensures that the appropriate parts have been recei