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Your search found 7 job offers for the keyword canadian forces morale and welfare services cfmws

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officer

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Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officers then apply their engineering and field skills to military technology and maintenance operations. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officers may be offered the opportunity to develop specialized skills through formal courses and on-the-job training f

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officer

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Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officers then apply their engineering and field skills to military technology and maintenance operations. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officers maintain and support all Army equipment and land-based equipment of the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Can

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officer

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Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officers then apply their engineering and field skills to military technology and maintenance operations. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officers may be offered the opportunity to develop specialized skills through formal courses and on-the-job training f

Aerospace Telecommunication and Info Systems Technician

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They also manage and maintain mobile and fixed satellite communications systems, microwave systems, switchboards, cable plants, and all forms of command and control computer systems and networks. As technical experts, Aerospace Telecommunications and Information Systems Technicians perform preventiv

Manœuvre - Fabrication de produits métalliques

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Manutention des matériaux.Ménage et autres tâches connexes.COMPÉTENCES ET CRITÈRES D’APPLICATION.Assiduité et ponctualité.Effectuer son travail de façon constante, en respectant les échéanciers et les horaires de travail.Exp&


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Gestion de Personnel 10-04 recherche un cariste rapidement!.Conduire un chariot élévateur(debout);.Mettre en zone d’entreposage des palettes de produit fini;.Maintenir l’entrepôt en ordre;.Détenir une formation en manoeuvre de chariot élévateur;.Bien connaître les principes de logistique


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Nous avons besoin de candidatures motivées à Montréal chez Gestion de Personnel 10-04 Inc.Nous vous contacterons si votre profil correspond à nos besoins actuels.Si ce n'est pas le cas, votre dossier restera dans notre base de données pour de futures opportunités.Garder un environnement de tra