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Your search found 3 job offers for the keyword cirque du soleil entertainment group

Accessoiriste/Ingénierie | Accessories/engineering

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Since 1984, Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group has been focusing on ever more creative and magical work in order to constantly push the limits of the imagination and surprise spectators! Innovation and creativity are at the heart of our shows and will continue to transcend our upcoming productions

Planificateur.trice de production – Spécialités | Production Planner – Specialities

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Since 1984, Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group has been focusing on ever more creative and magical work in order to constantly push the limits of the imagination and surprise spectators! Innovation and creativity are at the heart of our shows and will continue to transcend our upcoming productions son sur appel | On-Call Sound Technician

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Since 1984, Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group has been focusing on ever more creative and magical work in order to constantly push the limits of the imagination and surprise spectators! Innovation and creativity are at the heart of our shows and will continue to transcend our upcoming productions