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Your search found 10 job offers for the keyword cree board of health and social services of james bay cbhssjb


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Knowledge and ability: * Knowledge of legislation, regulations, the health network and ministry programs and current MSSS trends; * Knowledge of First Nations health / social services models, trends and issues is an asset; * Knowledge of Cree culture, language and social and health conditions in Eey

DIETETICS TECHNICIAN - Kitchen (P-2324-0862J)

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Under the supervision of the Coordinator of the Administrative Unit - Hospital Services, the dietetic technician collaborates in the planification, production and organization of the Chisasibi Hospital and Elder's home food services. Knowledge of Cree culture and language, and social/health determin

Travailleur(euse) social(e) - Services Sociaux Hôpital - (P-2324-0795I)

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Baccalauréat en travail social ou en service social;. Membre en règle de l'Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ). Deux (2) années d'expérience pertinente en travail social est un atout.


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Reorganizes the workload in the event of the unforeseen absence of one of the nursing staff; * In the absence of the Immediate Supervisor, ensures all support staff is present at work;* Supports nursing staff in their clinical role and tasks;* Responsible to ensure and organize orientation of new nu

Travailleur(euse) social(e) - CMC Uschiniichisuu (P-2425-1115A)

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Baccalauréat en travail social ou en service social ;. Membre en règle de l'Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ). Deux (2) années d'expérience pertinente en travail social.

Travailleur social ou travailleuse sociale (P-2425-1373)

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Diplôme universitaire en travail social; préféré ou un atout. Si elle utilise le titre réservé, la personne doit fournir annuellement à son employeur la preuve qu'elle est membre de l'Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux du Québec. Aptitude à appliquer la culture, les valeurs, les t

PERSONNEL OFFICER - Labor Relations (P-2425-1264A)

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SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS* Advises and supports managers on the interpretation and application of collective agreements;* Participates in the entire investigation process: information gathering, information analysis and decision making;* Drafts disciplinary measures and ensures follow-up with managers;* Pa

Human Relations Officer (DEV-P-2425-0077)

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Education: * Depending on the given sphere of activities, must have the required university degree in social sciences, such as criminology, social work, sexology or psychology;* A human relations officer who has the required university degree in social work and is a member of the Ordre professionnel


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Knowledge and Abilities* Strong record in operational line management, and human resources and financial management;* Knowledge of the MSSS laws and regulations for Mental Health Re-adaptation services is an asset;* Knowledge of Cree Culture is an asset;* Proven ability or potential to be effective

Travailleur social ou travailleuse sociale (P-2425-0041F)

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En tant que conseiller clinique, cette personne apportera un soutien clinique, un mentorat, un soutien aux activités professionnelles et fournira des conseils et des informations sur les meilleures pratiques aux travailleurs sociaux, aux responsables des relations humaines et aux travailleurs commu