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Nous avons trouvé 10 offres d'emploi pour le mot clé g mining services g services miniers

Chef de projet de génie civil/Cheffe de projet de génie civil

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company offering professional services in the mining industry, for underground and open pit mining projects, in precious, base, or industrial metals. G Services Miniers est une compagnie multidisciplinaire offrant des services professionnels dans le domaine d

Ingénieur minier sénior / Senior Mining Engineer

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company offering professional services in the mining industry, for underground and open pit mining projects, in precious, base, or industrial metals. G Services Miniers se classe parmi les plus importantes sociétés de services-conseils en ingénierie miniè

Ingénieur électrique principal/Ingénieure électrique principale

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company which provides professional services in the mining industry for underground and open pit mining projects in precious, base, or industrial metals. G Mining Services is one of the most important mining engineering consulting firms in Quebec and among th

Ingénieur conception de génie civil/Ingénieure conception de génie civil

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company offering professional services in the mining industry, for underground and open pit mining projects, in precious, base, or industrial metals. G Services Miniers se classe parmi les plus importantes sociétés de services-conseils en ingénierie miniè

Ingénieur minier sénior / Senior Mining Engineer

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company offering professional services in the mining industry, for underground and open pit mining projects, in precious, base, or industrial metals. G Services Miniers est une compagnie multidisciplinaire offrant des services professionnels dans le domaine d

Métallurgiste sénior / Senior Metallurgist

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company which provides professional services in the mining industry for underground and open pit mining projects in precious, base, or industrial metals. G Services Miniers se classe parmi les plus importantes sociétés de services-conseils en ingénierie mi

Ingénieur en mécanique/Ingénieure en mécanique

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company offering professional services in the mining industry, for underground and open pit mining projects, in precious, base, or industrial metals. G Services Miniers est une compagnie multidisciplinaire offrant des services professionnels dans le domaine d

Chef de projet de génie civil/Cheffe de projet de génie civil

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company offering professional services in the mining industry, for underground and open pit mining projects, in precious, base, or industrial metals. G Services Miniers est une compagnie multidisciplinaire offrant des services professionnels dans le domaine d

Métallurgiste sénior / Senior Metallurgist

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company which provides professional services in the mining industry for underground and open pit mining projects in precious, base, or industrial metals. G Services Miniers se classe parmi les plus importantes sociétés de services-conseils en ingénierie mi

Ingénieur minier sénior / Senior Mining Engineer

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G Mining Services is a multidisciplinary company offering professional services in the mining industry, for underground and open pit mining projects, in precious, base, or industrial metals. Under the supervision of the Chief Mining Engineer, Underground Mining, the incumbent will be involved in all